lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Monday, May 19, 2014

Do you believe?

Do I believe in God? Sure
Do I believe in Jesus? Not really
Do I believe there is a Goddess? Most definitely.

My belief in God may be different than yours. I believe in him but I do not believe in the bible or what it says about him. I also do not believe in Jesus because as a parent myself, no real parent will give up his child to die even if it is to save the human race. I believe there is a Goddess because you cannot tell me that it was God alone that created the stars and the moon or flowers or even sunsets. All of that and things likewise all have a feminine touch to me. Besides, for those of you that's married, would your husband make the moon,stars,sunsets,flowers,etc, that beautiful all by themselves?
My beliefs are based on my experiences and I'm not branding my spirituality with a religion name or calling it a certain type of spirituality. It loses all of its mystery and beauty that way. The human mind needs some mystery to keep our minds, hearts, and souls sharp. If this world was without its mysteries and without it's " how did this happen?" Moments then we would be uneventful, monotonous human beings.
Our individuality is what makes us beautiful. We are all unique for a reason, so why hide it?
Leave a comment with your opinions, and please keep it civil and no curse words please.
Blessed be )0(

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello again

I'm happy now that I've been able to go outdoors today. The air smelled sweet with the distinct bloom of roses and some of the bulbs I've planted, have started coming up. Still no sign of my forget-me-not flowers yet but then, they were seeds not bulbs so they'll take longer to grow. I apparently have my father's green thumb :-)
It's been in the nineties all week and I haven't gotten out much but today I was outside for about an hour before thunder sounded so I had to drag a mad son inside. I dare say that he loves being outdoors as much as I do. If only my husband can find as much joy as my son and I do when being outside.
Oh, well. Bright blessing, may your flowers/herbs grow with ease!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Just this morning :-)

Merry meet,
I've had an eventful morning already. I went to bury an egg in my garden, I'm late with this since its well past ostara, but as I was digging, I found a penny facing upwards. It looked like it had been there awhile, it has holes where the date should be and some of the edging is destroyed. I hope this means I'll have some good luck down the line :-).
I also came in contact with a baby spider yesterday, I do not know what this means but I hope its something good. Today's also one of those perfect days to be outside, the birds are shining, the sun is shining, its not too hot, if only my irritating neighbors would stop that racket! But its a good morning, so far :-)
Blessed be

Friday, April 18, 2014

Dark moon chant

And here we go....

And here comes the part of the year where everyone is all about Christ rising from the grave and they'll post pictures of scriptures and such. That's fine but when I post things that celebrate my holidays or when I worship my god/goddess then don't be a criticizing me!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Merry meet,
I want you all to know that your in my thoughts and my prayers. Every time I light my prayer candle, every person and family that is in need of assistance or just need prayers. When my candle is lit, my love and care is sent out to you all and to mother earth.
She is in need of assistance as well. We must help each other and help our great mother!
Blessed be!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Merry meet, I came up with this while waiting on my husband outside a gun store one day. It was spur of the moment so I had written it down on a piece of napkin but it goes like this:

"I call upon air to keep breath in my lungs.
I call upon fire to keep my blood flowing.
I call upon water to keep my body sated.
I call upon earth to keep my body nourished.
I call upon the spirit of my ancestors to give me strength.
I call upon the Lord and Lady to shower these gifts upon myself and my family,
I call upon your protection to what is mine and yours.
So mote it be"

It just came to me and so I figure that I would write it down before I forget. I now have it saved on my tablet so I can write it in my book later on.
I had another prayer too but I can't find it now.
I wrote that two or three days ago and the day after ostara, I saw two beautiful small butterflies dancing out in the yard while I was tending to my flowers and watching my son play. I feel like it was an answer of some sort. My son noticed them as well. He said "butterflies?" In his cute toddler way of speaking :-)
He has begun to notice bees and flowers as well. He even likes the three necklaces I got from Jen's Crafty Creations, it was like it draws his attention.
I can't wait to see what his favorite stone would be. His element is fire, that might explain why he's drawn to my dragon's  vein agate necklaces, and he most definitely acts like it.
Although its an odd mixture since my element is earth and his father's is water.
I hope you all had/have a good ostara/good Easter!
Blessed be)0(

Monday, March 17, 2014


Merry meet,
Happy St. Patrick's day to you all. May luck be on your side today.
I find it rather irritable that people try to tell one that wicca is coincided with Satanism but when you tell them differently, all they want to do is spout scriptures to you without giving a true argument on their beliefs. Christians are so fooled by the bible that they can give no other argument.
If you are going to spout that witchcraft is devil worship then produce some hard facts proving so otherwise keep your scriptures to yourself. I grew up in a Christian home and had Christian beliefs but I've done my research and I believe that Christianity hides too many things and they try to push their beliefs on others.
I do not want to start an argument or bring up the age old dispute but I now firmly believe in the nature now.
Blessed Ostara blessings to you all.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Spring is definitely in motion. While sitting outside,today, I heard birds singing to each other and flying around. I saw a few squirrels run across the yard and chattering to each other. Flowers are blooming. Despite the rain, it was a beautiful warm day. Ostara is in a few days, what do you plain doing for it?

Monday, March 10, 2014


Lord & Lady,
Merry meet to the both of you. Please lend your live to my family and help them through hard times. Wrap all of your children up in your arms and keeping us all safe and loved. Let your spirit flow through us. Let your fire flow in our veins. Let your water keep our bodies sated for your worship. Let your earth keep our bodies nourished with your fruit you provide. Let the breath of our lungs glorify you.
I call forth your love and protection to protect us, your children.
So note it be.
)0( Blessed Be )0(

Friday, March 7, 2014


Merry meet,
When you think of the word 'peace' what comes to your mind? Most would answer with 'quiet' 'no noise' or 'alone' but to really achieve peace, in my opinion is to be the calm to someone else's anger. To be the calm in the middle of the tornado. You can find peace in a quiet room with no noise or on one around but that is only an outer peace.
Inner peace is achieved through hard times or hard experiences. Most of the time but achieving inner peace is also the ability to be calm amidst anger or chaos and still remain calm. The words 'peace', 'calm', 'quiet' usually go hand in hand and are most often used when in coincidence of each other. To experience inner peace, you have to be able to redirect anger or violent behavior towards something,well,peaceful.
Violence and anger are another set of words that are used together often. But a person who has inner peace will act out of kindness even in the face of danger or violence. A person who has no inner peace will act in anger or violence when confronted with something fearful.
I want you to try something. I want you to try sitting in a room where maybe a party is going on or where your kids are playing and being loud and close your eyes and just try to remain calm, do this for at least ten to fifteen minutes and comment with how it made you feel.
It helps me especially on days where everything feels it is going wrong.
Let me know of your experience with it!
)0( Blessed Be

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Today has been refreshing for me. I sat on my front porch and watched the birds and squirrels. I noticed that the flowers planted around my house are coming up and one flower has already bloomed. The breeze was just right, the temperature was warm but not hot. Perfect day to just sit and read or knit or just to watch the animals.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Your journey not "our" journey

Merry meet, a lot of people do not realize that journeys that they take are  meant for their own happiness and not others. If you take a spiritual journey solely to gain approval and acceptance from friends and family then you are taking that journey for the wrong reasons. You need to think on your spiritual needs as well as what feels right for you. You may go through thousands of different religions to find one to suit your needs or you might find that you are more comfortable taking bits and pieces from other religions and making your own special spirituality. As long as it satisfies your spiritual needs and makes YOU happy. "One man's mythology is another man's religion"_author unknown.
Bright blessing so you and yours :-)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

so far this year..

So far this year since my last post, there has been two super full moons in the month of January and now in February, it has snowed not once but twice. Which, being from Alabama, is very unusual for me.  but special at the same time since this is my son's first (and second right now) time seeing snow and he is but only two year old. 
Alabama weather definitely varies, we're had snow one week, warm rainy weather the next then the very next week there's snow once again but there is ice along with it this time. This definitely a lucky year for my family so far, hope it is lucky for you and yours as well.
Happy Valentine's day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pocahontas.... a pagan movie?

Have you ever figured the movie "Pocahontas" to be a movie that actually can be a teaching point for pagans? I watched it today with my son and I noticed that if you really, and I mean really listen to the scene where Pocahontas is singing about the colors of the wind, She is trying to teach John Smith that the earth is alive and that there are spirits in everything. that even when he wanted to shoot a bear, that she was a mother and that we are all connected. I didn't realize this when I first saw this movie back in 1995 (I was four years old then) but it is a great teaching point even for trying to teach others about paganism, even those that aren't children.
Now my son is only two years old but He actually likes the movie. now mot think that (while reading this) that he is a boy and he shouldn't be watching a Disney princess movie but I believe in letting him learn from all things possible without stereotyping it, how can one really learn if they only learn one side of an entire story?
In the movie Pocahontas also sings of a wolf crying to the blue corn moon. now the blue corn moon has no meaning in native American lore but is just a mash up of 'blue moon' and green corn moon' but there again is a teaching point in the movie.
It's amazing what you can really learn when you actually pay attention ad most of it comes from the old Disney movies, and we grew up with these movies so it's no wonder so many my age are becoming interested in paganism and such.
Next time you watch "Pocahontas", really listen and watch it and ask questions to whomever is watching it with you.
learn from it. research it. teach it.
Bright Imbolc blessings to you all! }i{

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Merry Meet!

Lately I have not been feeling like myself. it's almost like I've been in an emotional rut where I do not want to get up and do anything or even socialize with anyone but last night I found my pentagram again and put it on before bed and today I've had a little more energy and have even done some much needed cleaning to my home.
I feel like the pentagram gave me the energy I needed to get up and greet the day. we all know that there are days when you do not even want to get out of bed but you have to, especially if you are like me and are a stay-at-home mom of a very energetic two year old :)
I do ask one favor though, does anyone know where you can get jewelry fixed? one of the small stones in my pentagram has fallen out and I do not know of anyone who can replace it but is also fairly cheap as well.
Let me know if there is someone! and Blessings to you!
I may not post much because I've been knitting some things to post on my Facebook page. the page is called Craven's Crafts if you want to look it up :)


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What was that name?

Merry meet,
Ok I have been feeling like I wanted to meld Christianity with Wicca somehow because it just feels right to me. There are those who say that you can't meld the two religions together but what I feel and my spirituality is not exactly melding the two religions together but worshipping God through nature and worshipping the Goddess as well. It's about finding the Bible as more of guidelines instead of rules to follow. and by giving reverence to the elements is a way of worshipping God and his work and I see Jesus as God's Son but as a more of a messenger in a way instead of a holy being by himself. I see his divinity in everything not just in church but as in nature as well.
I feel as if the two are combined in all aspects and that rituals are only a part of the whole thing. There are those who do not believe this but I also think that spirituality is defined by the individual person and not by a majority rule. and that religion is a way for people to sink their heads in the sand rather than doing things on your own and being your own person.
Any thoughts, leave a comment and please do not be judgmental or brutal.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Ok, I am going to post a picture that two of my Facebook friends argued over. I posted the picture because in my experience, it happens to be true.
Most people that have done me wrong or have even put me down are the very people that go to church every single Sunday and sit back and praise God and act all happy and act like they have something to do with you all the time but then as soon as church is over, they want to fuss over you not giving them gas money, or why did you wear this or that. or reprehend me for not being friendly enough or something.
And a lot of friends of mine have tattoos and piercings and even dye their hair all kinds of colors and I know that if I called them when I am in trouble they would come in a second.
It is not about your appearances or how you act when others are around. it is how you treat me as a person as to how I will react to you.
Looks do not matter but its what is inside your heart and your head that matters most.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Merry Meet :)
I was curious on whether or not if you can be a Christian witch because that has become very popular lately but I was searching around and realized that you cannot. Christianity and Wicca are two very different religions. they are polar opposites of each other.
Christianity believes that there is one Go and you should not have any other before him and that you should not practice any pagan rituals and such. (it says so in the king James version of the bible. Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 9 thru 14.) and Christians believe in sin and hell and that you need to be saved or you will live in eternal flame (aka hell)
Wicca, however, believe not in hell or sin or that you nee to be saved from anything and there are multiple Gods/Goddesses. Wicca worships nature and the seasonal and moon changes. Wicca also pulls some beliefs from different ancient traditions.
In ancient times those who believed in the pagan ways were made to convert to Christianity because they were thought to be sinners that needed to be save from hell-fire. Did you ever notice that the Wiccan and Christian holidays were either the same days or very close together?

My opinion is that early Christians could not get people to convert to their religion unless they somehow made it possible to get them to believe that they were truly sinners so that is how the Christian holidays and wiccan holidays are so close because early Christians tried to stamp out Wicca and other pagan religions and almost succeeded. although there aren't as many pagans as there are Christians, I think that Wicca is making a true comeback though.

it's hard to stamp out something someone believes in with their whole heart and passes it down through generations. As I've said before though, Wicca is not a religion but a spirituality an you can never truly get rid of that.

I'm not prejudice against Christians or even Muslims but when a religion becomes so forceful that it takes over your country by brute force and violence then that tells me that it is not right at all and needs not to be called a religion.

what are your opinions on this?