lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Your journey not "our" journey

Merry meet, a lot of people do not realize that journeys that they take are  meant for their own happiness and not others. If you take a spiritual journey solely to gain approval and acceptance from friends and family then you are taking that journey for the wrong reasons. You need to think on your spiritual needs as well as what feels right for you. You may go through thousands of different religions to find one to suit your needs or you might find that you are more comfortable taking bits and pieces from other religions and making your own special spirituality. As long as it satisfies your spiritual needs and makes YOU happy. "One man's mythology is another man's religion"_author unknown.
Bright blessing so you and yours :-)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

so far this year..

So far this year since my last post, there has been two super full moons in the month of January and now in February, it has snowed not once but twice. Which, being from Alabama, is very unusual for me.  but special at the same time since this is my son's first (and second right now) time seeing snow and he is but only two year old. 
Alabama weather definitely varies, we're had snow one week, warm rainy weather the next then the very next week there's snow once again but there is ice along with it this time. This definitely a lucky year for my family so far, hope it is lucky for you and yours as well.
Happy Valentine's day.