lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Thursday, December 31, 2015


These past three days, my son has been sick with the cold then I now have it and I think my husband's coming down with it. My son is getting over it while for me its just starting good. I'm sniffling and blowing my nose as I type so if you see any typos, please excuse me.
But I keep hearing that it doesn't matter what a crystal's powers are for. Like say the pink is universally for love and friendship but to me that color is blue. And for me the color for love is red. And purple seems to be my healing color. Not everyone is going to agree or have the same colors that do the same things and that's ok. Anyways, last night I was feeling pretty bad so I grabbed my purple stone and held it between my hands and put into it my intent to clear up my nose a little, just enough to sleep. And I then laid down and balanced it between my eyes, right on the bridge of my nose. I left it there for a good few minutes and I felt a pulsing energy come from the stone. Once I realized I was dozing off,i then held it between my hands again and this time visualized a white energy hammering away the sick energy that was just put into it. I set it near me and then went to sleep. I actually got some sleep because of it.I might try it again tonight.
I have felt a strong connection with stones and the earth element. But everyone is different. :)
Happy New Years!🎈

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Sorry for not having anything interesting to post at this time. I continue to work with my tarot, oracle decks and my runes but not everyday as I started out doing. But its a good thing though, because when you study something for awhile and then suddenly don't "feel" like looking at it or studying it any longer then its because your subconscious mind is trying to tell you to slow down and give it time to mull over the things you've studied so that when you go back and look at it, you'll see something different about the subject your studying or you'll find new aspects that weren't there before. Its not because you've suddenly gotten a brain freeze or that you have suddenly lost interest. Its your subconscious saying "alright that's enough for now. Its my turn to study it."
Tarot is one of those times for me right now. I find that I'm having a hard time trying to connect and understand the deck that I have. I'm not sure if its just not the right time for a fairy tarot deck right now or that I need to connect with fairies first. I am looking into other decks though to see if anything sort of jumps out at me. One deck did though, its called the witches' tarot deck but at the time I hadn't enough money to get that deck even though it was almost literally calling to me. But my oracle decks have been no trouble at all. My first oracle deck I ever bought is called "Earth Magic" and to this day I completely feel comfortable with this deck. I have since the moment I touched the cards. Same thing happened with my second deck that I bought. It's called "goddess guidance" deck. I felt an open embrace from the goddess upon touching this deck. I also had an experience with meeting the goddess butterfly maiden. She is also happens to be a card in my deck so maybe it was meant to be. :)
Same thing happened to my runes. Studying them was easy for me. And now my son shows interest in the runes. He wants to see and touch them every time I do a rune reading for myself.  so that's a plus.
What currently works for you? What was easy for you to study and what was difficult? Comment below, i'm interested to hear about it.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

God and Goddess

When one first discovers a pagan spirituality or witchcraft in general, it's hard to completely understand that there is a feminine energy along with the masculine. If your coming from a structured religion, it might be scary and confusing coming into such a free-spirited spirituality. At first, you might cling to the Goddess aspect before changing your views to both energies. Yes, I can say this and understand it because I was in that position myself, having brought up as Christian. For me, paganism was a sort of freedom, yet confusing at the same time.  so I can relate to those still trying to figure things out. The only advice I can give you is for you to study. Get every book you can on paganism,wicca, and everything that interests you. Research online, read books, search for other pagans and wiccan and ask questions, look up pagan YouTube channels. (I watch The Shoe Whisperer and Mandi See. Great channels)
But remember to keep an open mind while researching because you never really know what you will find.And, as a personal disclaimer for myself, don't get upset if my advice doesn't work for you because everybody is different and I have only been a eclectic pagan for a few years now and I'm not in a coven or certified to give solid advice. So please, if you listen to me then take what I give you and research further into it. Don't take what I say at face value.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Yesterday in the crazy midst of making Christmas come early for my son. (we'll be staying with family Christmas day) I had this overwhelming, crazy strong urge to stop by the graveyard where my aunt, grandfather, great-grandfather were buried. I've been wanting to stop by for awhile and I feel guilty when I don't get to stop by. So, I was coming from dropping my son off at my mom's and so I stopped by. While there, I felt their presence welcoming me. I fixed the flowers that were on the graves and just stood there for a moment. It felt like they were hugging me. I whispered merry Christmas and that I missed them. And left to go finish what I was doing.
Since then I've felt that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And my mood has improved. I need to stop by more but I don't own a car so I borrow my mom's sometimes. I want to put flowers on there soon.

Friday, December 18, 2015


Yesterday, for the first time ever I actually noticed auras. This has never happened for me before so it's kind of a big leap in my spiritual studies, really. Well, I really felt the auras more then noticed them but after looking it up, I read that both work. One person that I was around had a sort of dark aura around them. Almost like their vengeful in a way. But the other person had more of the colors blues and greens which were calming. (I'm keeping all names out for privacy reasons) the third person's aura was just bursting with all kinds of colors. In a happy, energetic, cheerful type of way. When I felt the dark aura, I put up a light of protection around me and the other two people. And I noticed that after I done so the person with the dark aura actually asked me if I was okay. Like she knew I had done something but didn't know what it was. From now on, I now know to put up this protection when being around this person, it leaves me feeling not so drained or unhappy. I found the source of the negative energy and like I said. That is a big step in my spiritual path because up until now I've only meditated and worked with runes and tarot\oracle decks,etc but now I am working with energy since my experience with that energy exercise, from my previous post, and its opening my eyes alot more now. Which is great. I now want to start researching auras and energy work :)

Let me know what your experience with auras are.
Blessed be

Happy Holidays

May your holiday be the best and most wonderful you'll ever have. And stay warm!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Energy exercise <-- this is a link to a video that is on a YouTube channel called TheShoeWhisperer. I adore her videos. I recently tried this same exercise but had different results.(if you haven't seen the video, stop reading here and go watch then come back) but to me the energy seemed more in the shape of a ball. And my fingertips tried pulling together while my palms tried pulling apart. Almost like different ends of magnets. Your experience might be different but that's ok because not everyone has the same reactions to energy nor does energy react to everyone in the same way, shape or form. My experience was already different from the woman in the video. So comment with your experience, i'd love to hear from you!
Blessed be
(Don't forget to subscribe to her channel. You'll be glad you did!)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Good things come to those who wait....

Today I worked with my tools and I noticed a theme going on. I got into looking up health stuff and I just felt like I need to be healthier in my life. I tried out asking my pendulum if I should eat healthier,etc and all my answers were positive. I actually even guessed the time by the direction of the sun and its position above the horizon. I know that it can be done and stuff but I've never tried it before. I do wish that the weather would make up its mind though. One day its warm and then it was cold and rainy and today was warm until the sun started going down. For all I know tomorrow might be cold again. This is normal around here though. So..... for the healthy stuff, I'm trying to drink more water and herbal tea and less mountain dew. (I'm sort of an addict when it comes to mountain dew) and today I ate more fruit. Although I am craving some ice cream like crazy :) 
Here's trying to be healthier!♥
(sorry for the short post.)

Monday, December 14, 2015


I don't know about you but I love being outside when I can be out. My son loves it too. So yesterday, seeing as how it was in the seventies as far as temperature goes, in December too of all things. We spent some time out. I took my tarot, oracle cards and my pendulum and runes outside with us. While my son played, I went through each cardbeing careful to study each and wrote in my rune journal and did a little work with my pendulum (which was kind of difficult since the wind was blowing a bit much) but I felt like I needed to bring these things outside so they can get rid of some bad energies or at least stale energy. I also did a little bit of wind meditation. What that is is where on a windy day you either walk barefoot or at least sit outside and you picture the wind blowing away the stale or negative energy around you. Its very up lifting. But its a relaxing experience for me and it burned off some lent up energy in my son so that's a plus.
I've always loved being outside even as a kid. And as I studied more into Wicca, I realized that I associate with the earth element and Gaia, the earth goddess. My son however is associated with the fire element. I have to be careful with lit candles around him. They attract him like flies to honey ;) my husband though is the water element. I noticed that on days when it rains, he seems calm and relaxed then usual.
Any ways, I even got in some reading time. I couldn't go out today because its actually cold and raining. But there will be other days :)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

i'm back!

Ok, I know that I have not been posting anything on here in a while but I'm finally back online so I can hopefully start posting more. And if you want to check out my other blog over on wordpress then click -->
So now....I made a post on my other blog about my experience at my doctor's visit yesterday. If you haven't read it then i'll tell you guys here. I had an MRI done yesterday with and without contrast dye. My arms still hurt from having the dye injected. But during the test my third eye chakra opened up big time and I got to meet Gaia and Odin also a maiden who called herself the butterfly maiden. I never got her name though. Maybe she'll reveal herself later on and tell me her name. I have never had any of my chakras open like that before. It was an amazing experience and it also helped me stay calm and still during the test. Gaia gave me some advice about staying calm and listen to my heart and Odin only stopped by for a little while but he said the same thing and that I shouldn't be afraid because he and Gaia will be with me, all I need is to stand still and listen to my heart and they'll be there.
I also did some researching about a particular stone that I am drawn to suddenly. Its called a dragonstone. Its beautiful. Google septarian stone as soon as you get the chance. Its great for encouragement and protection. I would post a picture but I can't figure out this blog just yet. ;) but i'll get there. So go to Google or pinterest and find the stone and you won't regret it. While your at it go check out my friend's Facebook page. She's Jen's crafty creations. And I love her work.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

blessed be

Merry meet,
2015 already! Where has time flown. I am sorry for being gone so long. My next post I will post some beautiful pictures that my husband took yesterday on our way home from opelika. You'll love the pictures!
Blessed be! 💜