I know this blog is supposed to be about spirituality but sometimes I just need to do something different. I recently watched 13 reasons why and i couldn't help but feel Hannah Baker's pain. I've been there. I was the kid in the lunchroom who sat alone for awhile. In high school I found friends among a few kids who were not the popular kids. They were beautiful souls that everyone took for granted. They saved me...mostly. if it weren't for them I would have went down a very dark road.
Most of us don't talk to each other now.for a little while I did go down that dark road but some of those beautiful souls saved me. And now they dont even talk to me at all. It's strange were life leads you. I wish that I could speak to those people again.that one person...
I've always had an interest in spirituality. Now that I have the freedom to explore it more, I find myself feeling at peace. I find that by diving into it, I have more feeling. I notice more now then I did. I feel like that by looking through the eyes of spirituality I now have almost everything.
I am raising my kids to be more free.