lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Thursday, November 23, 2017

13 reasons why...

I know this blog is supposed to be about spirituality but sometimes I just need to do something different. I recently watched 13 reasons why and i couldn't help but feel Hannah Baker's pain. I've been there. I was the kid in the lunchroom who sat alone for awhile. In high school I found friends among a few kids who were not the popular kids. They were beautiful souls that everyone took for granted. They saved me...mostly. if it weren't for them I would have went down a very dark road.
Most of us don't talk to each other now.for a little while I did go down that dark road but some of those beautiful souls saved me. And now they dont even talk to me at all. It's strange were life leads you. I wish that I could speak to those people again.that one person...
I've always had an interest in spirituality. Now that I have the freedom to explore it more, I find myself feeling at peace. I find that by diving into it, I have more feeling. I notice more now then I did. I feel like that by looking through the eyes of spirituality  I now have almost everything.

I am raising my kids to be more free.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A theme running...

I just want to make a quick post about something I have noticed as a  difference in spirituality most organized religions. And that difference is how we view our bodies...

Christianity says to honor your body yet keep it covered up. My thought is that if you honor your body then why hide it? Pagan spirituality gives you an option to be however comfortable you are. It doesn't demand that you stay covered up at all times. I find that freeing. Now I have not tried doing anything skyclad for a few reasons but I love having the option that whether I choose to wear a special garment or go skyclad, I am still honoring my gods/goddesses and myself.
Christianity tends to destroy that individuality.

I love being free.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Today's messages

I admit that I do not pull out my tarot cards as often as I should.only when I have the urge to do I did and it had exactly one clear message from the tarot and two different oracle cards....thats a pretty significant message. My cards are telling me to sit silently more and to meditate more.i even asked my pendulum and it confirmed all the messages.i do not know why but the gods and goddesses are telling me to meditate more.
I don't do meditations like I need to simply because I am a stay at home mom of two very young boys so it can be hard to find time to meditate.but I will.....i hope that I receive what ever message that's the divine is trying to tell me.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Hello all,
I don't normally have urges to do anything but I was doing my tarot spread today and I got the urge to do a protection saging. What that means is that I take my dragon's blood incense and just light it and walk around my home with it.i stop where I feel the need to and linger where I just feel that I I noticed that I lingered around my front door and I lingered in my bedroom where my children are currently sleeping.i also felt the strong urge to leave it in the bedroom with them.i sometimes get the urge to leave it in a particular room but I never had the urge to leave it around anyone specific before.this is a first for me.
I just wanted to share this with you all.i know I have not posted awhile but I felt the need to post something today and I felt the need to post this it is lol
Have a great day and blessed be

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

To be honest...

Ok,I will be honest with you.i have yet picked my magickal name.i cannot decide on one.i tried using numerology but it's a bit confusing.i want an earth based name but I just have not found the right one.maybe one day I will have one.i just wanted you whom are reading this,that you are not alone in the struggle to find a patient.
Blessed be

Monday, March 13, 2017

Full moon blessings

I know that I am a bit late but I want to say full moon blessings and protection to all.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My belief...

Ok, I have noticed that this is not a very widely talked about subject within the pagan community.i support the second amendment and I fully support those who conceal carry their long as it is used to support the protection of my family and those around me.
I want to protect my kids and if that means carrying a weapon around to keep them from harm then that is what will happen.if you believe this then comment with your reasons why or why not if you don't. But remember to be nice and don't start arguements.

Friday, February 24, 2017

This is crazy...

I have seen so many posts in my pagan groups on Facebook about doing a binding spell on the president.i just want to say that it goes against what I believe in.if he does a bad job then karma I'll run its due course just like it had done with the former president. I do not see how you all can put a binding spell on a man who is trying to fix what is already wrong with this country.
I believe that if he is what this country needs then that is why he is here. Karma is in full effect and we as witches do not need to fuck with karma.if you do a binding spell tonight then that is exactly what you are doing and what you put out comes back to you times three.
If you are binding him from his abilities then it will come back to bite you in the end.....remember that

Thursday, February 9, 2017


I just want to blog about my experience yesterday.
So I had to upgrade my phone and everything plus I got my favorite game back.i over spent and while I was fuming over it,I realized that it wasn't so bad.i got a better phone then what I did have plus a system and a game. On our way out again after putting things up at home,I noticed that the moon was out.but this was around the same time the sun was setting.we happened to be driving south so in a way we were right between the sun and the moon energy at that point.after noticing this I felt a calm sensation fall over me and a voice telling me that everything was going to be okay.

I felt better after that and I ended up with what I had plus two new books when the day was starting to notice more things like this happening to me now and I believe that it is the goddess telling me that she has everything under control.and you know what......I believe her.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Even in the pagan community....

It has come to my attention that even among the pagan community that there are those willing to call your views "disgusting".I experienced this on a blog of mine on another website and it was was over something I said about Muslims.
I'm not going to reiterate what I said exactly but it was along the lines of Muslims complaining about being persecuted but yet pagans have been picked on, accused of being Satanists and even getting murdered during what's sometimes called the burning times.

Now,i was only trying to say that Muslims aren't the only ones who are being treated unfairly.that they can walk around with their hijabs but if a pagan walks around in a witch outfit or wearing a pentagram,it would be far worse.

And let's not forget the long going confusion that wiccans are Satanists.I'm sure Satanists would like for that to stop happening. Satanism and Wicca are nothing alike even though we use similar symbols,sometimes.....

It doesn't matter what spirituality or religion you are following, you are still going to have people that are going to argue with you and disagree with you

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I would be impressed....

I would be impressed with America if:
-if everyone didn't make it so that witchcraft and the wiccan spirituality was so forbidden.
-if everyone wasn't so offended.words are just words.
-if everyone minded their own business instead of worrying about getting someone in trouble to make themselves look good.
-if we as citizens were allowed to make our own choices for once.too many laws are on the books over craziness.

If that were to happen in my country,i believe I would probably faint.  ;)  especially the acceptance of other religions because from my house to the grocery store, there are at LEAST twenty Christian churches.there needs to be more acceptance...bottom line

Monday, January 16, 2017


Sorry for not blogging of late.been busy.I just wanted to blog today though.lately I have become obsessed with sigils.I have been pinning them on my Pinterest board and copying them to my journal whenever I write in it and I save them on my phone when I have the space.I have yet to be brave enough to create my own sigils drawing technique is downright dreadful.
I've been thinking of trying to create my own but I just need the confidence to.I feel connected to the sigils I find on my Pinterest board but I just want something a bit more personal,you know?
If you have any sigils you have drawn please feel free to share them in the comments.but only if you feel that they are not too personal.
Blessed Be

Sunday, January 1, 2017


I don't have much time for elaborate spells or rituals.I barely have time for I try to do short and simple spells or meditations that I can do in just a few my intentions spell last night was an energy release incense spell.I just sat down with a lighter,my incense and focusing all my energy from the year into the incense stick and then I lit it burned,i imagined all of the past worries and everything going up in the smoke.
Then, I felt that I had to do this but you don't have to...but I then took in the energies of myself and my family into another incense that I use for protection and I put those energies into the incense so that we have a positive start for next year and then I lit that incense.

Simple,and short always works for me but it's your choice. Blessed be