lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Thursday, November 23, 2017

13 reasons why...

I know this blog is supposed to be about spirituality but sometimes I just need to do something different. I recently watched 13 reasons why and i couldn't help but feel Hannah Baker's pain. I've been there. I was the kid in the lunchroom who sat alone for awhile. In high school I found friends among a few kids who were not the popular kids. They were beautiful souls that everyone took for granted. They saved me...mostly. if it weren't for them I would have went down a very dark road.
Most of us don't talk to each other now.for a little while I did go down that dark road but some of those beautiful souls saved me. And now they dont even talk to me at all. It's strange were life leads you. I wish that I could speak to those people again.that one person...
I've always had an interest in spirituality. Now that I have the freedom to explore it more, I find myself feeling at peace. I find that by diving into it, I have more feeling. I notice more now then I did. I feel like that by looking through the eyes of spirituality  I now have almost everything.

I am raising my kids to be more free.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A theme running...

I just want to make a quick post about something I have noticed as a  difference in spirituality most organized religions. And that difference is how we view our bodies...

Christianity says to honor your body yet keep it covered up. My thought is that if you honor your body then why hide it? Pagan spirituality gives you an option to be however comfortable you are. It doesn't demand that you stay covered up at all times. I find that freeing. Now I have not tried doing anything skyclad for a few reasons but I love having the option that whether I choose to wear a special garment or go skyclad, I am still honoring my gods/goddesses and myself.
Christianity tends to destroy that individuality.

I love being free.