lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Why must it always come down to almost throwing punches before someone steps up? Everywhere you look and everywhere you turn; people are always wanting to "throw hands" on someone else. We have not made it very far from the caveman times. We are literally still cavemen (and women) except just a tad bit smarter. We still have moments where our anger out thinks our actions and we "throw hands" before we even think one single thought. We also get too offended way too easily over the tiniest things. It is so sad and just heartbreaking.
What is worse is that it gets worse and worse with every generation. The bible teaches you to hate everyone unless they meet a certain criteria. The church teaches you to hate everyone that does not go to your church on Sunday.  Everyday some new is teaching how to hate and who to hate.
Its heartbreaking to watch it.

Monday, October 15, 2018

It has come....

Ok, it has come to my attention that some witches are actually going to try to hex Kavanaugh. I am only guessing in that means they must be democratic in their political views.  I am not judging anyone here. Make no mistake in that. But the wiccan code says to harm none. Why don't you who are joining in this, wish for him to see the reality of his actions instead. Because what you send out comes back to you times three.
Meaning that say your hexing actually works, but it actually causes him harm. You will have to deal with that in your mind, heart and energy. It can lower your energy protection which makes you vulnerable to everything. Now is the time to show the world what Wiccans are really about. Going around hexing someone is not the way to go.
Please....change your minds and choose a different way.