lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Sunday, June 23, 2019

No internet

Currently without internet so until it can get turned back on, I won't have any updates for you

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Today was interesting to say the least.....first off as I was going to put thing in my car to get ready to leave it started raining in a sudden downpour. Once I got in the car, soaking wet mind you, the rain slowed down and stopped as my family and I were driving. And then on my way to my friend's house, we got caught in a storm. Couldn't hardly see to drive and everything but then when we went to see a friend of my husband's it started raining again but only just a little bit. On the way home, though, the clouds were beautiful and fluffy but they looked as if they were being sucked up by something. It was pretty interesting. Honestly I take it as a complete sign to not help those certain people anymore. They have been dragging us down and down and I think it is time to put a stop to it.