lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

time flies and tarot journaling

Where has the time gone? I did not realize that I had not posted anything on this blog since December of last year. The only new things that I have been doing would be meditating more and appreciating the quiet when my kids fall asleep. Also journaling more now. I currently have a bullet journal and a daily journal and a tarot journal as well as two journaling apps on my phone whenever I get the urge to write but can't due to not home or my family is up and awake. I cannot journal when someone else is around me. It is just a personal thing to me and I feel like they would want to read it and ask questions or get mad when reading my opinions. Plus, I feel that tarot journaling is personal as well. Being as I'm in the broom closet with my faith, I am not yet brave enough to work with tarot around .y parents or around my husband even though he is perfectly fine with it. I also think that the readings won't be as accurate with them around in case the cards draw upon their energy as well as mine. If that makes any sense at all. 
So? Tell me what is new with you. Anything at all, I do not mind hearing about it. I love listening to other people's journeys. They can be an inspiration sometimes.