lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spring 🌼 🌻 🌸 🌹

Springtime already. Oh this makes my heart so happy. I love this time of year. All the blooming flowers, how green the grass is. All the trees coming back into bloom as well. I love watchung my neighbor's willow tree grow it's leaves back again. I always try to do a little mindfulness ritual whenever I get to wonder outdoors. Walking in the grass while barefoot,making sure to appreciate every touch. I then look around at all the wildlife that is around. The only thing that I miss about living at my parents home is that I could watch rabbits run around out in their front yard. Deer would come out as well. And my grandparents' home is a definite miss. The smell of that big honeysuckle bush in their yard. Helping my grandfather plant his garden. 
This year, everytime I smell the honeysuckle or feel the wind upon my face, I feel them near me and my children. My boys definitely missed out on knowing some amazing people but I know that they are always there for us. 
I have also noticed that every time a crow shows up near my home and cries it's song, someone either in my family is hurting or has died. Thrice this year I have seen a single crow sit up high and sing it's tune to me and hours later, I get a message or see a social media post about something happening to someone in my family. It happened when my great uncle had to be air lifted to the hospital due to a stroke, it happened when my grandmother passed away on December 25th and it happened this last time that a great uncle had died as well. For this reason I keep the one single crow feather on my altar. I also keep stones that I have collected from my home and even a bit of clay from the earth that is my front yard so that I shall have every bit of my home with me when I ever move away. And when my family does move away, I shall do the same thing again. Gather things to keep in memory in case of a move or some big change.
Maybe one day I will get to show you the little altar I am talking about. Not sure when so keep a lookout over on my Instagram (spiritualloveforall)