lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Bein an American witch...

Being an American witch is tough.between voting rights, and who to vote for, and if your like me and you live in the bible belt. The majority of Americans are Christian,Catholic or atheist.if you were to tell others that you were s witch or even saying that your pagan will make people act strange towards leaves many of us to be solitary in practice.
What I mean by bible belt is that in a stretch of states there are predominantly Christians and in this area there are a church on practically every street corner.(just from my home to Wal-Mart there are at least five churches and only one of them is Catholic)  its really hard to practice witchcraft for those that live in this area because there are so few supplies especially if your trying to from being open about it.
Also in America, we have issues like elections be it state or the big presidential elections and then there's the issue of guns. And yes I support having guns but I use guns in the name of protection only. Another issue here is gay marriage. I personally think that if you are happy with the person you claim to love and that they love you back,regardless of gender,then I am happy for you. I have nothing against you.I look at many issues like this:  unless it involves me or my immediate family then I don't mind it. If you are in love with someone of the same sex then I congratulate you on your happiness.if you own guns,want to own a lot of them or if you despise them then more power to you. I just have an issue with those that want to take away a person's right to own guns.I've been in several situations where I was happy to have a gun near enough to use if needed.

American pagans also have a problem with wearing a pentagram.  Its common here to automatically assume a pentagram is used in devil worship because if the abundance of Christians drilling that into our heads. I admit that I was afraid to have a pentagram around for that reason. I was also baptized and brought up as Christian but after going through personal things I have discovered that solitary eclectic Wicca is my spirituality.
If you are American and are having troubles with any mentioned in my post,feel free to comment or find me on Facebook and leave me a message 🌛🌝🌜 🌞

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