lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Friday, December 27, 2013


Merry Meet :)

In my opinion religion is about how much money you have to give to the church and about how fancy the church building is. and everyone that attends church is always checking to see if the other women wore that same dress twice in two Sundays or not. and they have a certain way that they preform their Sunday service and get mad everytime they have to change something. You also have to be there every single Sunday or the entire church talks about you.
I personally believe that to be close to God or Goddess, all you  have to do is walk outside and just sit silently and listen and meditate if you want to. you do not need fancy clothes that you just wear on Sundays or money in your pocket as 'offering' or even show up to one place every single Sunday. You just need to be alone out in nature, or anywhere by yourself as long as you can be silent and listen to nature around you whether its city or country. The God and Goddess do not care how you listen or worship them, as long as you do it. what your wearing or what's in your pockets does not matter.
Religion is a way for people to put their head in the sand and can feel like their doing something whereas Spirituality, you know what you are doing and your not sticking your head in the sand over it. your not running and hiding when something bad happens. your not trying to outdo the church down the road with the fancier building.
The preacher at my parent's church has been there for years but he felt that he had to move on to another church and since he's been there, at least thirteen people have been saved and he said there were more wanting to be saved in just the few weeks that he has been there. I grew up in that church and in the Christian religion but I feel as if I want to change my faith. I still worship God but I feel as if there is a Goddess as well and that they do have a Sun but not necessarily named Jesus. I very much believe in magic and coincidences and that things happen for a reason but I feel claustrophobic of sorts sitting in a church. it's too structured. I do not think that God wanted that at all.  
You can try to say that I am not of the Wiccan faith or anything but the thing about spirituality is that you do not have to be structured. be free in who and how you worship. Spirituality has no structure. Religion does.
Love & Light.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Practice what you preach!

Merry Meet! and Merry Christmas to Christians,
Everywhere today I've read or heard about how everyone should stop saying 'xmas' because your taking Christ out of Christmas, What most do not realize is that for them, Jesus is the Christ in Christmas and the reason for the season but there is no actual proof that his birthday is exactly on December 25th. or the fact that their holiday is so close to Yule because years ago early Christians was trying to stomp out the pagan spirituality. (I do not call it a religion because it isn't paganism/Wicca is a way of life!) 
Not to mention if Christianity were so tolerant as they preach all the time then why did they try to get rid of paganism? why would they try to convert everyone they come across if they did not push their religion as they claimed not to do? another religion that is very pushy are Jehovah's Witnesses. They would not stop coming by my house even after I told them I was not interested. My husband answered the door one day and told them that I'd died, that's the only way I got them to stay away.
I'm not saying that you cannot say 'merry Christmas' or anything but do not get so offended when someone that might not be Christian uses 'xmas' instead. if you practice what you preach then you wouldn't be so offended. also, pagans/Wiccans need to at least be nice and say merry Christmas when a Christian is around.
Practice Tolerance!
Blessed Yuletide/Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Socks into Fingerless Gloves? is it possible?

Here is an interesting concept for everyone to try. You take a sock that might have a hole in it and you take and measure and cut to make arm warmers out of them.  unless you have the money to just buy new socks or buy arm warmers then I would suggest using old hole-y socks that way you do not have to throw them away or waste a brand new pair.
plus, you could make some really cute/cool arm warmers that would be unique. especially if you wear bright socks with designs on them!
If you do make a pair, send me a picture! I want to see what you come up with!!
Happy Holidays/Merry Yule/Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Tomorrow is Yule.

I want to wish everyone a blessed yule tomorrow. I hope that you and your families are blessed and may this solstice and turning of the wheel bring you love, peace, and good fortune in the coming year!

Let us welcome the returning sun with hope, joy. may you never thirst!! May your home be blessed with every intention that you wish to have. let us rejoice in the birth of the newborn sun and let his light shine on us.

Let us mourn the passing of the holly king and may he rest in peace so that his sun can take his place and may the Mother raise him in good spirits. Blessed Be!

Love & Light to your home from mine!
and have a blessed yule!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Knitted HeadBand, what do you think?

Merry Meet!
ignore the hot mess in the picture but I do not normally do selfie pictures but I wanted to share the headband that I made last night. my original intentions were to make a cowl (or infinity scarf) but it wanted itself to be a headband I guess. so here it is! its made in the ribbed stitch (knitting not crochet) and I used camo colored yarn. and it is the first project that I made with my circular needles. I'm still learning as far as knitting goes but I think that it turned out good.
Bright Yule Blessings!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Check it out!!

Bright Blessings

Merry Meet!
Only Three More Days until Yule! :)
This is my first year celebrating it so I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time. I want to do a solitary ritual this year because my husband supports me but is not Wiccan and my son isn't quite old enough to participate.
We'll just have to wait and see what happens :) although there already is promise that my son is definitely of the fire element. he loves lights and flames. I have to keep him from breaking my candles that I keep on the windowsill above my bed all the time, and no they are not lit, I am not that crazy!
I am of the earth element and my husband is of the water element. I feel more at home in the woods and burying my hands in the soil whereas my husband constantly wants to go swimming or anything to do with water. If anyone has any idea how to teach about the fire element safely to my two year old then feel free to send me a link! I want him to learn but I do not want him to get hurt as well.
Hope you all have a merry yule and bright blessings to your home from mine!!
)8( }i{

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Religion and Spirituality

Merry Meet!
How is everyone today? There are people who do not believe that Wicca is not a religion but in actuality, it really isn't a religion at all but a spirituality. when you picture the word 'religion' what comes to mind? for me, I think of church pews and choirs and having to be at the same place every single Sunday otherwise everyone will be asking why weren't you there.
Now when I picture spirituality, I picture nature and meditation and just being still and silent with yourself and listening to the God and the Goddess. I also think of peace when I think of spirituality.
Your views might be different, if you want to tell me what you think of 'spirituality' and 'religion' then comment and let me know!
would love to hear from my readers!!
Blessed Be!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

Most Witchy blogs do post very often images of the pentacle. This day in age, you get singled out if you are the slightest bit unique or different and if your non-Christian. But are you really pagan proud if you hide your pentagram?
There is a saying that says "there is no such thing as perfect love or perfect trust" but if you believe in nature and believe in all things that the God and Goddess bring about then you already believe in perfect love and perfect trust.
I like to tell my son a story around bedtime of how the Sun dies each night so his Wife (Moon) can live and how she slumbers for him to come back. I always make it up everytime so it is never the same everytime I tell it. but it seems to cam him down. :)
Brightest blessings to your home from mine!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


This time of year is all about balance. If your like myself then you probably feel a bit of off-balance because your attuned to both the Sun and Moon equally. Some are more attuned to the Moon, this time of the year is your most powerful chance to use your spells and do some things that you might have put off.  now if your more strongly attuned to the Sun then you might feel very weakened but no fear because coming with the turn of the Wheel, you shall feel your balance again as will those who are attuned to both like I am.
Whatever you do, if your weakened then I wouldn't do too much of the powerful spells but wait your turn and you'll have your strength back. Now if your attuned to the moon then this is the perfect time of the year to do your best and most powerful spells and craft-work because soon you'll have your weak times soon.
For those of you that are equally attuned to both, now is the time to work on your moon aspired side and not so much as the Sun side. I personally always feel depressed this time of year so I have to work on happiness spells and such.
What ever it is that you choose to do, be safe and may you have the brightest blessings this Yule Season!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Merry Meet!

Merry Meet!
This is my first official post for this blog. of, course I have another blog over on but I'm thinking of switching over to this new blog because I have more creative control as to the layout and such to this blog then Wordpress does.
Anywho, A little about myself: I haven't been practicing Wicca for very long and am still doing a lot of learning of it and such but I believe that My making the conversion to Wicca was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Did you know that Wicca is one of the very few that actually do not push their spirituality on people and that they do not try to seek others out and convert them unlike Christianity and other Religions.
That's one of the very things that attracted me to Wicca. Also when you claim yourself as Wiccan and Pagan, you are not claiming a religion but you are claiming a lifestyle that so many are trying to stamp out. And Wicca is also the only spirituality that no war has been declared over. now there are some pagan soldiers but not as many as say, Christian soldiers.
I am not trying to glorify Wicca to try to convert you or anything but I just wanted to share some of my opinions of it is all. If somehow my blog gets you thinking about religion and spirituality and you want to become wiccan then that is up to you! To be honest, that is part of what made me change my mind and become Wiccan was by reading the blog of Wiccan Moonsong.

I, myself am drawn to the Earth Element and to the Gods/Goddesses associated to the Earth element. But believe it or not, everyone is different. take my household for example; My son has strong ties with the Fire element whereas my husband is more towards the Water element. You can go by your zodiac signs or if your like me, and you go by what makes you comfortable and what you are drawn to.

Your choice of Gods/Goddesses to follow is your personal choice as well. There are massive amounts to choose from depending on your choices or preferences as well. my personal favorite is Persephone. because of my strong association with earth and with butterflies.

I hope that you find my blog as enjoyable to read as it is enjoyable for me to write it!
Brightest Blessings to You and Yours this Yule/Litha Season!!