lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Friday, December 27, 2013


Merry Meet :)

In my opinion religion is about how much money you have to give to the church and about how fancy the church building is. and everyone that attends church is always checking to see if the other women wore that same dress twice in two Sundays or not. and they have a certain way that they preform their Sunday service and get mad everytime they have to change something. You also have to be there every single Sunday or the entire church talks about you.
I personally believe that to be close to God or Goddess, all you  have to do is walk outside and just sit silently and listen and meditate if you want to. you do not need fancy clothes that you just wear on Sundays or money in your pocket as 'offering' or even show up to one place every single Sunday. You just need to be alone out in nature, or anywhere by yourself as long as you can be silent and listen to nature around you whether its city or country. The God and Goddess do not care how you listen or worship them, as long as you do it. what your wearing or what's in your pockets does not matter.
Religion is a way for people to put their head in the sand and can feel like their doing something whereas Spirituality, you know what you are doing and your not sticking your head in the sand over it. your not running and hiding when something bad happens. your not trying to outdo the church down the road with the fancier building.
The preacher at my parent's church has been there for years but he felt that he had to move on to another church and since he's been there, at least thirteen people have been saved and he said there were more wanting to be saved in just the few weeks that he has been there. I grew up in that church and in the Christian religion but I feel as if I want to change my faith. I still worship God but I feel as if there is a Goddess as well and that they do have a Sun but not necessarily named Jesus. I very much believe in magic and coincidences and that things happen for a reason but I feel claustrophobic of sorts sitting in a church. it's too structured. I do not think that God wanted that at all.  
You can try to say that I am not of the Wiccan faith or anything but the thing about spirituality is that you do not have to be structured. be free in who and how you worship. Spirituality has no structure. Religion does.
Love & Light.

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