lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Practice what you preach!

Merry Meet! and Merry Christmas to Christians,
Everywhere today I've read or heard about how everyone should stop saying 'xmas' because your taking Christ out of Christmas, What most do not realize is that for them, Jesus is the Christ in Christmas and the reason for the season but there is no actual proof that his birthday is exactly on December 25th. or the fact that their holiday is so close to Yule because years ago early Christians was trying to stomp out the pagan spirituality. (I do not call it a religion because it isn't paganism/Wicca is a way of life!) 
Not to mention if Christianity were so tolerant as they preach all the time then why did they try to get rid of paganism? why would they try to convert everyone they come across if they did not push their religion as they claimed not to do? another religion that is very pushy are Jehovah's Witnesses. They would not stop coming by my house even after I told them I was not interested. My husband answered the door one day and told them that I'd died, that's the only way I got them to stay away.
I'm not saying that you cannot say 'merry Christmas' or anything but do not get so offended when someone that might not be Christian uses 'xmas' instead. if you practice what you preach then you wouldn't be so offended. also, pagans/Wiccans need to at least be nice and say merry Christmas when a Christian is around.
Practice Tolerance!
Blessed Yuletide/Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

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