lady amethysta butterfly

lady amethysta butterfly

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bright Blessings

Merry Meet!
Only Three More Days until Yule! :)
This is my first year celebrating it so I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time. I want to do a solitary ritual this year because my husband supports me but is not Wiccan and my son isn't quite old enough to participate.
We'll just have to wait and see what happens :) although there already is promise that my son is definitely of the fire element. he loves lights and flames. I have to keep him from breaking my candles that I keep on the windowsill above my bed all the time, and no they are not lit, I am not that crazy!
I am of the earth element and my husband is of the water element. I feel more at home in the woods and burying my hands in the soil whereas my husband constantly wants to go swimming or anything to do with water. If anyone has any idea how to teach about the fire element safely to my two year old then feel free to send me a link! I want him to learn but I do not want him to get hurt as well.
Hope you all have a merry yule and bright blessings to your home from mine!!
)8( }i{

1 comment:

  1. [ Smiles ] Best of luck to you and I genuinely hope that Yule turns out great for you and your beloved family.
